A place to recall and celebrate the wonderful stores of a Downtown Boston now alive only in our memories

Wednesday 20 August 2008

The Last of the Boston Giants

Thanks again to Nick DeWolf and his camera. These photos of Filene's are mostly from 1970 and act as a great reminder of what the store was like on the main floor and in that world famous basement. One photo is from 1958 and it shows the street just outside one of the main doors. 

I look at these photos and I am still in shock that this place is no more. It joins all my other stores on this blog and becomes a place to visit only in our memories.

Enjoy these and thanks again to the family of Nick DeWolf.



Wednesday 13 August 2008

A Dedication

Hello Friends! It has been a while since I updated and I felt a great inspiration this past week.

The inspiration was my dear, old best friend from my hometown of Brookline....one who has known me longer than anyone living or I am in touch with now at this point in my life. Mike....Thank You!!!!

Mike contacted me via one of those high school reunion sites and we have been emailing and chatting by phone again. It's wonderful and we have so much fun remembering Boston and Brookline together! Mike is still based in the Boston area and is just as hooked on "old" Boston places as I am. He took time this week to go and do some key research for me and has sent me all I asked for.  AND is enjoying it soooo much.....he will do it again:-) WOW!! 

So Mike, this update is for you!

These ads are from local papers in the areas around Boston but give a good feel for the type of goods on offer in the 1960's in Woolworth's and WT Grant's. Now I learned that WT Grant's in some locations sold large appliances. I had no idea! The Grant's in Boston did not, at least not big ones when I went in in the late 60's- early 70's.

Let me know what you think!!!  Charles..........
