Hello, Retro Boston Lovers!
I have come upon a real gem! This BRA report from 1963 has cropped up in my research and wow...what a find! I now see the seeds that were sown that would bring about so many BIG changes to the Boston shopping experience. This was the start to the many demolitions that would begin in just a few short years.
I will post the report for your reading pleasure...horror...you can decide.
I smiled as the team referred to the confusing store layouts and masses of connected, antique buildings...Ahhh, yes!! That was the pleasure...the fun...the hunt and search through those beloved buildings for what you wanted!
The team from BRA must have enjoyed shopping in the new suburban malls that were popping up all over. All neat and tidy! No more than two floors, easy to navigate for the simple minded.
All the real retro Boston shoppers of 1963 knew their stores and knew where the items they wanted were sold and it did all make sense... in a wild and wonderful way...if you gave it half a chance!
Here is part one of the report.
Enjoy, Charles:-)
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