Friday 2 July 2010

UNKLE EPH'S FOOD SHOP, BOSTON...where pennies make sense

Hello, Retro Boston Lovers!
I have a wonderful treat to share with you sent to me by Irene. Irene worked in Raymond's of Boston while she was still in high school. She began up in the attic of the old store sorting greeting cards. She wrote:

I worked my way up...that included wrapping, sales, even typing (copying) some of the newspaper ads, COD's and eventually I did the whole store sales report which involved subtracting refunds, adding the sales of that day to all of the subsequent days and then typing the report and giving it to the powers that be. Mind you, all the courses I took in school were geared to sales and typing was not my strong suit, forget numbers on the typewriter. I taught myself to use a comptometer, did a lot of praying each day, and managed to learn the job and did it quite well.

Sadly, Irene left the job and life moved on but she recently found this little treasure in her sewing basket one day. An original Raymond's token coin. I have never heard of or seen one until Irene shared her little find.
I am thrilled Irene got some help and was able to send photos of the back and front of the coin for me to share with all of you. I also added a small shot of the front of "Unkle Eph's Food Shop" located on the street floor along the Washington Street front.

Thanks so much Irene for sharing your memories and your little Raymond's treasure!

Keep writing to me....I love it!!



  1. Charles, thank you so much for posting on my blog. It has been awhile since we have written. Where do you get all of your archival images? It is amazing what information you have.....especially for being in another country!

  2. Denholm's, I am so happy we are working on these two important preservation projects!! My images come from blog readers and my ever growing collection of finds from years of "net" searching for Boston Retro Store goodies:-)
    Keep up your great work!! I love your project so much!
    Thanks for your sweet comments!!!

  3. Sweet post and I love that little token! When are you going to join Facebook? You must.
