Sunday 5 December 2010

Christmas In Boston 1969 and Filene's Basement 1974

Hello, My Fellow Retro Boston Lovers!
I present a double update for the holiday season today.

Part 1

First a look back at Boston in 1969.
What a year....1969!!
Boston was angry at the war...and peace seemed so far off.
The moon landing was the BIG NEWS of the year and The Brady Bunch was brand new on ABC TV.
Christmas shopping was a way to forget the TV news reports that seemed so unhappy.
The stores were filled and the ads were numerous in the daily papers.
Jordan Marsh was the winner with ads on most pages...but the other stores did their best to catch our attention. Raymond's was still alive and Unkle Eph was hanging on...just!!
So enjoy a look back at a time of change...the 1960's was ending....and the Downtown Boston stores would enter the 1970's on very shaky ground!

Part 2

I found more of Nick DeWolf's amazing photos of Filene's Basement from 1974. With the premier of
VOICES FROM THE BASEMENT on WGBH TV, I thought it was fitting to roll out another mini tribute to this Boston legend.
The photos clearly show the wonderful hand printed signs and the great old cash registers I recall so vividly from shopping down there!
But look at those crowds!!! The basement was a hive of activity no matter when you went in! The tables were always a mess...and hands were always grabbing. The charm....and magic of the basement indeed:-)
Nick DeWolf had such a perfect way of capturing the moment for us...thank heavens!!!
What a treasure they are!!!

Enjoy....and thanks for a great year on this blog!!!!!


Plus...Don't forget!!!!

LOOK....My new project!!

The Jordan Marsh Memory Project....check older updates for details!!!

Friday 5 November 2010

A Bit More of Gilchrist's from 1965

Hello, Retro Boston Lovers!
I had a few requests to find all the locations of the Gilchrist Company Department Stores in the Boston area and I did my homework!
I hope these little items from 1965 serve to remind you all of what was known as "The Friendly Store" in Boston for generations.


Plus...Don't forget!!!!

LOOK....My new project!!

The Jordan Marsh Memory Project

Here is what I said about it on my new Facebook page:

This blog has been so popular and generated much discussion around many of the stores of the past but one store really has become a true legend. Filene’s has many fans that are true to its dear memory….but The Jordan Marsh Company seems to have a wonderful nostalgic aura that surpasses all the others for so many Bostonians. For this reason, I have decided to begin a very special project dedicated just to The Jordan Marsh Company and a key part of this project will be the gathering of as many memories from the public who loved to shop there over the many years it ruled the Boston shopping scene.

The Jordan Marsh Memory Project could become a book or booklet of some type in the future…at this point I am just gathering all the information and research materials I can find about this great store of Boston’s past. I encourage anyone who would like to participate in the project to write to me at:

Saturday 30 October 2010

Gilchrist's Then and Now....Plus A New Project!!!!

Hello, My Fellow Retro Boston Lovers!!
I have a treat for you today! Walter, a super blog fan, has sent us some photos of the great, old Gilchrist Company Department Store building in downtown Boston as it looks today in 2010.
I have added a selection of ads from 1967 to give you a feel for the once vibrant store as it was....back Boston's classic retro past!
Walter has said he will take more for us soon with his other camera...I can't wait!
The building remains a true classic department store of a bygone era and you can read more about its long history on the pages of this blog in the archived updates.
Please note the state of the kitchen now....the famous place where those wonderful almond macaroons were baked for so long. I really miss those!!!
The building has been updated but many nice touches remain such as the old iron stair rails....classic!
I love the antique valve that sends heat to the old entrance on Hamilton many times did I enter the wonderful old Marble Spa that way? I have lost count!
The tenth floor looks sad today. Gone are the goods that once filled the display area...but all the wonderful daylight still comes streaming in. Gilchrist's boasted a great deal about all their windows back when the building was gloomy sales floors in their "modern" store!
Thank you, Walter! Please do keep snapping for us:-)

Now about my new project!!

The Jordan Marsh Memory Project

Here is what I said about it on my new Facebook page:

This blog has been so popular and generated much discussion around many of the stores of the past but one store really has become a true legend. Filene’s has many fans that are true to its dear memory….but The Jordan Marsh Company seems to have a wonderful nostalgic aura that surpasses all the others for so many Bostonians. For this reason, I have decided to begin a very special project dedicated just to The Jordan Marsh Company and a key part of this project will be the gathering of as many memories from the public who loved to shop there over the many years it ruled the Boston shopping scene.

The Jordan Marsh Memory Project could become a book or booklet of some type in the future…at this point I am just gathering all the information and research materials I can find about this great store of Boston’s past. I encourage anyone who would like to participate in the project to write to me at:

and share your memories. I am also looking for photos and other memorabilia of Jordan Marsh that could be scanned or sent my way for inclusion in the final product.

This project will take a great deal of time and I am hoping many people will want to share their treasured memories with me thus creating a lasting tribute to this former Boston retailing giant.

So all you Jordan Marsh fans, come on....start sharing and let's make this project really special. Write me at the above email address...I'd love to hear from YOU!!


ps...My Facebook page is:
I am Charles Boston on Facebook....come see:-)