Friday 4 April 2008

Lots of Interest

I am pleased to say that folks are responding and contacting me with some great ideas and questions about the great old Boston department stores we all loved or at least heard about:-)

Two photos today of Woolworth's in Boston. Some questions have come up about locations of Woolworth's before the BIG new store of 1970.

This was a pre-1970 location along Washington Street right next to the Annex of Jordan Marsh.

This shot was done from West St. and is just below the corner of the former Avon Street that ran between the Main Store and the Annex of Jordan Marsh Company.

I do not recall this location as a child. I think this must have closed early to mid- 60's.

Jordan Marsh filled out these side stores in the 1960's and they became part of the large Annex Building. A posting on this blog of a few days ago shows this location as shot by Nick DeWolf in 1970.

In that photo you can see the Jordan Marsh sign covering over where the Woolworth's sign would have been located.

Enjoy and keep asking!!!!!!!!


Wednesday 2 April 2008

Boston Department Store Ads From The Past

Here are a few Boston store ads that I have found or have been given.

I would love to put more of these up on the blog.

Any other exciting finds out there to post would be SO WONDERFUL!!!



Tuesday 1 April 2008

Looking At A Photograph

A bit of fun! I came upon this photo some time ago and wanted to post it.

The Bostonian Society has this in its archive and has said it is a photo of Washington Street.

I am very sure it is not! The photo was taken in the early 1950's on the corner of Bedford and Chauncy Streets. This photo shows the Bristol Building of Jordan Marsh and the rear of the Annex. You are looking up towards Washington Street and at the rear entrance of RH White's.

You can see RH White's flag(celebrating the 100th birthday) up near the top of the photo.

Note the 1928 ward map and see the way I have marked it with blue. This shows the Jordan Marsh complex of buildings and the "X" marks the spot of the photographer's shot.

During the time my grandmother worked for Jordan Marsh(1920's to 1950's), the various Jordan Marsh buildings were called by the names Bristol, Hovey, Main and Annex by both the shoppers and workers alike. Each building being known for the specific range of items it sold.

The use of the Bristol Building decreased with 1949 wing which replaced all of the old Hovey Buildings along Summer and Chauncy Streets.

All of the buildings were connected by tunnels and there was also a sky bridge over Avon Street connecting the 1949 wing to the Annex Building.

By my time in the late 60's, the Bristol Building was still there but used for extra office space by Jordan Marsh. I think...and I may be wrong...but the photo I posted today of the rear of the Annex was where the book department was....I think. Am I right???

Let me know:-)
